Thursday, September 16, 2010



YOU may be next!

MEDICAL PROTECTION SOCIETY – based in London – stands accused of illegal operations, and encouraging corruption:
they gave lawyer Rohan Barry Isaacs - representing Deneys Reitz attorneys - all the money it took, to free Dr. Julian Rumbak from shouting guilt, after a series of “operations-gone-wrong”: his botched mouth surgery has stolen my lecturing career, leaving me unable to eat and speak normally…
Click on to watch me chew; to see District Surgeon’s Reports validating the damage; to read details of my sixteen years’ Crusade for Truth…
Dr. Rumbak specialises in mouth surgery… Having broken my mouth, he had the brazen temerity to claims of a ‘shrink’: in his report, he states - with contempt - that I am “a bachelor with psychological problems, living in a Yeoville flat”!!
APARTHEID HEALTH leaves the Department of Health with NO control over doctors in private practice in South Africa, making it easy for these doctors to bury their mistakes.
APARTHEID HEALTH means that the Health Professions Council is paid to protect negligent doctors: they treat The Public with no sympathy, finding negligent doctors ‘blameless’, without meeting their damaged victims; they are aware of Dr. Rumbak’s negligence history; his victims are intimidated into silence: in one instance, where a victim was represented by adv. Brian Spilg, Dr. Rumbak admitted guilt, and he agreed to foot costs.
APARTHEID LAW SOCIETY allowed Dr. Rumbak’s lawyer, Rohan Isaacs, free reign to intimidate me with threats of orders, compelling me into humiliating examination by doctors whom Isaacs paid to give reports denying the blatant damage caused by Dr. Rumbak, with pretexts of “pre-existing conditions in my imagination”.
Isaacs illegally intimidated my chief witness, who then refused to testify; he dispossessed and terrorised me.
The law society – at five BOGUS ‘investigations’ - protected my lawyer, Peter Soller, who purposely spoilt my case.
Mr. du Plessis – head of the law society disciplinary committee – threatened to ‘have me removed’, if I did not keep quiet!
Soller was then struck off the attorneys’ roll by two Judges, who state that “Soller is a danger to society”!
APARTHEID JUSTICE means that in the High Court - CHAIT vs RUMBAK:
Judge Claasens was blatantly biased: he would not allow me to refer to details of the damage Dr. Rumbak caused to THREE other victims, which is important Corroborative Evidence.
Judge Claasens would not allow me to demonstrate to the court that I chew like a donkey, after Dr. Rumbak damaged my Trigeminal Nerve: muscles in my neck and cheek are in permanent spasm; he dislocated my jaw, and damaged my jaw-joints, which crack. I speak in discomfort.
Judge Claasens shouted at me, and he allowed adv. John Suttner to ask a ‘leading question’.

Dr. David Shevel was paid by Dr. Rumbak’s lawyer, Rohan Isaacs, to issue a report pointing to ‘delusions of grandeur’, because my Economics Students achieved Top Honours on three occasions in National Examinations: he slotted this TRUTH into a psychiatric ‘delusional disorder’, using false logic…
Dr. Gunther Winker read Dr. Shevel’s report, and prescribed anti-psychotic drugs: haloperidol and benzhexol, which cause stiffness, shaking, and sudden Death…
The perfect strategy to get me silent!

Old social worker, May Navias, fingered my sanity: she tried to intimidate me into an evaluation at Valkenberg Mental Hospital. After a person enters the portals of a mental institution, a black mark with a sour stigma sticks for life, so that person loses all further credibility!
My Judaism commands me to do everything in my power to reduce this sick evil. With the approach of The Day of Atonement, I draw to the attention of the world, sins committed by the medical and legal fraternity in South Africa, funded by the Medical Protection Society based in London; focusing on their combined efforts to shut this stubborn victim away.
My Candle of Truth burns on the eve of Yom Kippur, in the Hebrew Calendar Year 5771.
This is my humble contribution, to open a road for other victims of South African medical negligence.
I will continue to do my very best, to make a difference.
Raymond Chait (Hons.B.Com.H.E.D.)
Cell: 082 672 3776 Mobile: (+27) (0) 82 672 3776
16 September 2010

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